Applying to have a County Court Judgment (CCJ) removed from your credit record requires you to present compelling evidence to the court. The type of evidence you’ll need depends on the specifics of your case. This article outlines how to increase your chances of having a CCJ set aside by providing the proper documentation. CCJ […]
Latest Legal Advice & News From Mason Bullock Solicitors
What are the Grounds for Removing a CCJ? Your Detailed Guide
A County Court Judgment (CCJ) can have serious consequences for your financial health and creditworthiness. Whether it affects your ability to secure a mortgage or a job or simply causes undue stress, you will probably want the CCJ removed if you can. The process is not automatic, and you will need to convince the court […]
How much compensation should you get for injury to feelings?
If your employer has offered you a settlement agreement, you may be entitled to compensation for injury to feelings. In this article, you’ll learn when payment for injury to feelings may apply and how much to expect. Need Advice on a Settlement Agreement? Get Free Expert Advice Today! Are you looking for advice on negotiating […]
CCJ Removal: How Much Does It Really Cost? Find Out Here
Applying to remove a County Court Judgment (CCJ) is essential if you believe the judgment was incorrect or if you have a valid defence. One key aspect to consider is the court fee. This guide will break down the costs and provide you with a comprehensive understanding of what to expect financially when applying to […]
N244 Form | Apply to Set Aside a CCJ | Step-by-Step Guide
If you need to set aside a County Court Judgment (CCJ) against you, the N244 application form is essential. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to complete the N244 form correctly, increasing your chances of a successful outcome. From downloading the form to providing the necessary evidence and signing the statement of […]