If you receive an offer of a settlement agreement, you’ll need to get legal advice on it as soon as possible, even if you’re intending to accept it. This can often seem more like an inconvenience, particularly if you want to bring things to a conclusion quickly.
Do you really need to make an appointment to see a solicitor face to face? Will you have to drive to the law firm’s office, find parking and then wait in reception for the adviser to arrive? You may then discover that the document needs altering before you can sign, which means you’ll need to make another appointment for another day!
These days, the process can be made much quicker and simpler by dealing with your solicitor remotely. Here are three steps you can take to make obtaining legal advice a whole lot easier.
1. Get electronic copies of any relevant documents
If you’ve only been given a hard copy of the settlement, ask for an electronic copy by email. You can then forward this to your solicitor who will then have the opportunity of looking through it before you speak.
Ideally, you should also forward to your solicitor an electronic copy of the employment contract as well, although this may not be needed.
This means that the solicitor will be well prepared before you have the initial discussion.
2. Obtain the legal advice on the settlement agreement by telephone – no need to make an appointment
It shouldn’t be necessary to meet face to face in order to get legal advice on your settlement agreement. You can just pick up the phone and discuss the situation with a solicitor, usually straight away.
You and your adviser can look through the document together on screen and you can ask any questions you need to.
3. Send signed documents by post and email
One of the common objections to dealing with a solicitor remotely is that the settlement agreement needs signing, both by the adviser and the employee. How can this be done remotely?
This is also straightforward. The solicitor can sign the document straight away and send a copy out by post and email. This means you get the electronic copy straight away and the hard copy the following day. You can then sign the document and forward to your employer. Simple!
And finally . . .
Dealing with a solicitor in this way means there’s no need to use a local solicitor. You can use an employment law specialist anywhere in the country.
Would You Like a Free Consultation About Your Settlement Agreement?
If you’ve received a settlement agreement, you’ll need to make sure you receive legal advice on it.
We advise clients throughout the UK. Call us now for a free consultation.
From a landline: 0800 531 6050
From a mobile: 0330 333 6050
Alternatively, complete the form below and we’ll contact you.
Contact Us for a Free Consultation
If you would like a free consultation about your settlement agreement, complete the form below and we’ll give you a call.
Andrew Crisp is the Principal Solicitor at Mason Bullock Solicitors, where he specialises in employment law and dispute resolution. With over two decades of legal experience, Andrew has built a reputation for his expertise in advising employees on settlement agreements and helping clients navigate complex litigation processes, including the removal of County Court Judgments (CCJs).