Litigation, Claims & Disputes

Do you need legal advice about litigation? Do you need to bring or defend a claim? Speak to one of our dispute resolution solicitors

Our solicitors work with people who are involved in any kind of dispute or claim.

You need to know whether you’ve got a good case and the best way to resolve it. We will advise you on the merits of your case, the best strategy for resolving the dispute and how to minimise any risk.

In many situations, a dispute can be resolved without the need for court proceedings.

However, if court proceedings do become necessary, we will ensure that you are fully advised every step of the way and that the proceedings are conducted in an assertive and professional manner.

This includes:

  • Drafting full details of your claim and the legal basis for it
  • Dealing with any response from the opposing party
  • Exchanging relevant documents
  • Drafting witness statements
  • Instructing and engaging with expert witnesses
  • Preparing trial bundles
  • Ensuring that you are represented at trial to the highest standard.
  • Enforcing any judgment or award made by the Court.

Contact a Solicitor

If you need help resolving a dispute, one of our solicitors will be pleased to meet with you to discuss your situation in full.

Call now for your FREE consultation and we will be happy to help you. Alternatively, complete the form below and we’ll call you back.